How to Gild an Eagle
Donna and Matt Walker face the impending foreclosure of their family store and inn when Lana Usman, an immigrant single mother, offers them a deal that gives them a chance to stay. How To Gild An Eagle is a play about what it takes to belong and what one must sacrifice to hang on to past legacies.
Produced for New Plays Festival, Lenfest Center for the Arts, May 2022. Directed by Jonathan Seinen. Produced by Andreas Huang. Starring Meagan Moses, Reya Sehgal, Evan Moore-Coll, Gillian Abbott and Kris Trautz. Set Design by Izmir Ickbal, Lighting Design by Hamilton Guillen. Sound Design and Composition by Max Silverman.
Finalist, Columbia@Roundabout New Play Reading Series, 2021
Semi-Finalist, The O’Neil National Playwrights Conference, 2021
All photos by Yi-Chiang Lin